
An Australian-founded advertising and media spend business: from fledgling business to global powerhouse

A leading advertising business: Growing from fledgling business to global powerhouse


The Australian-founded advertising and media spend business now with a global footprint knows NashTech has been instrumental in supporting its growth 

The Australian-founded advertising and media spend business now with a global footprint knows NashTech has been instrumental in supporting its growth 


Founded in 2009 in Australia, our customer has grown into a global powerhouse providing advertising and media data and analysis in over 30 markets. Enjoying relationships with all major agency holding groups, these businesses trust the company and its systems to operate in their environments and process their sensitive media data.  

The customer trusts NashTech as a vital partner, integral to its expansion into new markets and managing the proliferation of media channels and types of advertising for more than a decade. Owing to its success and industry standing, the Australian-founded advertising and media spend business was purchased on June 2, 2022 by a private equity business and will continue utilising the same systems developed with NashTech since 2009. 

Working closely with BA and product teams at our customer’s company, NashTech developed all of its systems, databases and environments. The close relationship has enabled the company to access a highly skilled technology team, which includes the direct NashTech team and a wider knowledge pool that our customer can tap.  

This integrated partnership has allowed our customer to carefully scale the business while developing high-quality systems. It has been a highly productive, cost-efficient partnership that has been able to meet every challenge along the way. In short, the advertising and media spend company started the business with NashTech and it has been along for the whole ride. 

“Since its inception, NashTech has been integral to the success of the customer, managing the proliferation of media channels and types of advertising as the business has grown and matured.” 

An invaluable partner for technology and business growth

From a fledgling business, the customer has grown to the point where it has around 10 installations with hundreds of databases where its data has become the standard data set used to understand the media marketplace.  

It takes large amounts of messy data relating to invoiced and booked advertising to cleanse, harmonise and present it in easy-to-use tools. This data is then provided to media agencies as well as media and financial clients in aggregated, anonymous form. To get there, the customer needed a fast, efficient team that was scalable to meet the demands of a nascent, growing company.  

The advertising and media spend company has used various platforms throughout its relationship and NashTech has nimbly moved across platforms without a fuss. With offices in the US, GB, ES, AU and NZ, the customer has teams dispersed in many regions. Working with the NashTech team mainly via project collaboration tools, it keeps everyone around the world informed without bias to time zone. It also provides a searchable history across each project.  

The customer has relied on NashTech for infrastructure, software and database development as well as providing ongoing support as needed to facilitate these processes. The NashTech team will work with our client in any type of interaction needed, taking the view that nothing is too much trouble.  

“The NashTech team has grown with us over the years, working through technical issues, solving problems and playing an integral role in how we run the technology in its business.”

Partnership continuity means handling changes with ease 

Like any business, the advertising and media spend firm has changed and adapted over the years. It has worked with a hybrid waterfall/Agile methodology at the business end of the SDLC, while the NashTech team employed a full agile approach. NashTech ensured that the different approaches would work seamlessly and approached any reprioritisations of work with a ‘can-do’ attitude, getting the work done without any fuss. 

Moving through a period of recalibration in the business, which required the customer to temporarily reduce the team size for a few quarters until the team was built up again, NashTech handled this professionally and efficiently. The remaining team members continued with capacity and brought new team members up to speed when we built the team back up.  

The continuity of the relationship with NashTech has enabled our customer to retain long-term team members where it has a quorum of talent who can pass on the knowledge as team members come and go. 

This close partnership also exposes the NashTech team to many internal business problems at our customer’s company and this deep engagement means NashTech can provide assistance at many levels. At times, this required off-hours and weekend support, and even support over important holidays. NashTech understood the importance of this coverage, which reflects our customer’s trust and reliance on the team. 

“The company treats its NashTech team as part of its internal team, such is their importance and stature. NashTech welcomes our customer’s onsite visits, take them out for meals, bowling and soccer games. They are friends and work colleagues, who share personal milestones, and even send their staff to work with the team at the NashTech office.” 

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