
Clutch Names NashTech Among The Leading Application Modernisation Services


At NashTech, our mission is to provide reactive and streaming-fast data solutions that are message-driven, flexible, resilient, and responsive to build High-Performance Systems. We help organisations by developing and modernising their system with custom IT solutions. We build on the work ethics and values, which translate directly to the quality of our systems. 

It has recently come to our attention that Clutch has recognised NashTech (previously known as Knoldus) as one of the leading companies in the application modernisation space. If you’re not familiar with Clutch, it’s the top ratings and reviews platform for IT, marketing, and business service providers. Clutch is hugely respected within the B2B space for connecting small, mid-market, and enterprise businesses with service providers that fit their needs.

Every year, Clutch honours the highest-performing B2B companies across industries. The top companies exhibit profound knowledge in their field and a solid dedication to high-quality customer service. Receiving this award is no small feat, and we’re incredibly appreciative of this recognition. 

“We feel honored to receive this award as it will go a long way in helping us to share it with our clients. At the same time, we are also thankful to all our clients as this would not have been possible without their feedback and appreciating words. We believe in the process of creating a strong relationship by delivering on the requirements and providing top-rated customer service. Our client’s testimonial speaks volumes about our work quality and relationships with clients.”

Vikas Hazrati, Group CTO – NashTech

The whole team at NashTech is highly grateful to our clients for their continued support and trust. We couldn’t have won this award without them. We’d also like to thank those who left us a review on our Clutch profile about how our services impacted their businesses. Here’s what they had to say about working with us.

“Their knowledge is great, and they did all that they could. I was pretty happy with their performance.”

Charles Wardell, CTO – Decooda International

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